Changing the Political Climate of the Middle East Media Essay

Lebanon: the leader of the uprising. “I want to change Lebanon,” says year-old Joelle Zgheib. “I know I may not be able to do it, but I also know that young people are very powerful, especially when. The following is an excerpt from The Social Media War in the Middle East, by Daniel Byman, appearing in the issue of The Middle East Journal. Click here to download a PDF of the essays and case studies collected here containing some of the best Middle East Report material from the past decade and much original material challenges the easy generalizations about what Western media and political institutions usually call Islamic call fundamentalism, up for discussion. The authors demonstrate it. Editor's note: Over the next week, Lawfare will publish a series of essays on federalist governance in the Middle East. This introductory essay is the first in the series. Links to subsequent essays will be added to this post as they are published. The events of the past decade indicate growing momentum for federalist governance around the Middle East. The Middle East has been the center of attention over the past month as the conflict between Israel and Hamas escalated into a full-scale war. The war not only affected the lives of millions of people. Changes have also occurred in the areas of foreign policy and security. The perceived American reluctance for military involvement in the Middle East, the strategic challenge posed by Iran, and the existential threat posed by Islamic forces at home and in the region have spurred the development of an independent military capability in the UAE. This article highlights how the lesser-known issue of sea level rise is making Arab states increasingly vulnerable to climate change. Using the city of Doha as a case study to highlight how sea level rise poses a critical threat to many coastal Arab cities and a national security challenge for Gulf Arab countries, this article underlines the need for pollution control in the Middle East. The Media Express As the United Nations Climate Change Conference draws to a close on September 1, many world leaders have recognized the severity of climate change and the need for action against it. Although it is a promising sign that countries are recognizing the need for lower greenhouse gas emissions,

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