Current Scenario of Aviation Industry India Tourism Essay

The current pace of emissions intensity reduction is insufficient to bend India's emissions curve with expected growth prospects. In the LoS scenario, India could reduce annual emissions. Notably, the Indian aviation industry is the third largest aviation industry in the world and the largest market for air passengers, both domestically and internationally. The Indian aviation industry represents oligopolistic characteristics and also sees a major impact: a CAGR. In the domestic market, the aviation sector is divided into four categories: international, domestic, regional and freight. The aviation industry facilitates economic growth, global trade, international investment and tourism and thus plays a key role in globalization, making it a large and growing industry. Air traffic, both business and private, has grown by 0.38. The tourism industry in India has its own problems such as: low share in the world 0.38 inadequate capacity, costly travel, poor organization, lack of supporting infrastructure, gap

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