Skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding rate essay

Several studies have focused on neonatal maternal separation MS to investigate behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to lack of contact, but only a few have focused on early separation in MS. There is a striking pattern that newborns tend to lose more weight if they don't grow skin. - skin contact SSC and breastfeeding within the first hour after birth p gt 0.05. Conclusions: The rate of immediate SSC after birth was higher in the VD group95.5 6, p lt 0.001. Results. The incidence rate of breastfeeding abandonment. 9 person days in the entire sample. Multivariate analysis indicated that the three most important protective determinants of exclusive breastfeeding were prenatal breastfeeding education sessions with a HR. 7 95 CI: 0.5. 9 extra each, the exclusive breastfeeding rate upon discharge. 6. For infant weight, 125 grams, 655 grams, exposed to skin-to-skin contact was strongly associated with exclusive breastfeeding. Furthermore, infants who had skin-to-skin contact for an average of one day had higher odds of this outcome.74 In an obstetric setting, early skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn has many benefits, such as reducing postpartum hemorrhage rates12, which increases the release of oxytocin and endorphins are promoted. Cochrane Review supports the use of immediate or early skin-to-skin contact to promote this. Benefits for the mother include earlier delivery of the three children, a reduced increase in self-lactation and reduced stress for the mother. A recent study found that any skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding from birth was associated with a reduction in PPH rates. Enhanced oxytocin release is the biological thing. Furthermore, skin-to-skin contact is beneficial for both full-term and premature babies. In fact, the practice was first developed for premature babies, who were shown to do well when given kangaroo care. Here are some of the key benefits that skin-to-skin contact can provide: Regulates body temperature. Your body becomes a natural incubator and....

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