The existence of God debate Religion versus science Philosophy essay

Most philosophers agree that science can have important things to say about philosophical issues, and some even argue that philosophy should be largely replaced by empirical science: for example, this is why religion causes conflict and why any form of belief is harmful is. 2. Evidence versus miracles. Scientists and religious believers are both drawn to unexplained, miraculous phenomena for different reasons. Scientists search for a natural cause and let their curiosity drive them to an answer. Philosophy is a science that studies life, morality and reasons for existence, while religion has always been a part of people's beliefs, so they are closely related and have many overlapping aspects. subjects. The relationship between religion and philosophy is determined by good and evil, the ethics of people, beliefs in higher powers of. In science we want to discover what is true or false in religion, and what is good or evil, noble or base. Science is the basis of technology, religion the basis of ethics. 3. As a physicist, I like to think of scientific thinking and religious belief as 'basic states' of the human brain: they are mutually orthogonal, but in each case. Albert Einstein does not seem to have felt this, but at the same time he often said that precisely such conflicts occurred. Part of the problem is that Einstein seems to have thought there was a real religion that could not conflict with science. Certainly, the doctrine of a personal God interfering with natural events can never be refuted.

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