Wendy Wright and the Concerned Women of America Philosophy Essay

Resume. The standard historical narrative of American drama and theater tends to privilege male writers even more than the narratives of fiction or poetry. In the historical narrative, major aesthetic developments and cultural moments are often associated with the careers of playwrights, almost exclusively male, who achieved fame. CWA President Wendy Wright talks about a new ad warning about the dangers of teaching children about gay marriage. CWA President Wendy Wright was interviewed as part of a new documentary study guide about the creeping socialism in our nation. Creator Curtis Bowers, a former Idaho lawmaker, shares more about this new DVD and how it can be used in churches and small groups to better understand, articulate, and pass on American values. Concerned Women for America was launched at a meeting hosted by LaHaye at a local theater in San Diego. CWA began as a local interest, but within two years it had grown into a national organization focused on protecting and promoting Biblical and constitutional principles through prayer, education and advocacy..

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