The Beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Britain History Essay

The British Industrial Revolution, 1760 - 1840, brought innovative mechanization and profound social changes. In Britain, the revolution was essentially over in the early years of the Victorian era, with a flourishing factory system and a large urban population. Although some innovations were developed over the years, the Industrial Revolution began. in earnest by the SS in Britain, and soon the Industrial Revolution was a profound transformation of economic and social conditions that began in Britain in the mid-18th century and spread to other parts. According to historians, Britain was the first nation in the entire world to industrialize. Industrialization in Britain began in the late eighteenth century. The French Revolution, a revolutionary movement that shook France and reached its first climax there, hence the conventional term 'Revolution', which designated the Industrial Revolution in America. The Industrial Revolution was a period of transformation from dependence on people in production processes to a heavy dependence on machines to produce goods. The revolution is believed to have originated in Britain before spreading throughout Europe and then to other parts. The first factories were built in the century, with British textile mills spreading to the United States, at a time known as the First Industrial Revolution. Then innovations came in. Industrial Revolution and CO. During the Industrial Revolution, Britain increased its use of coal as a fuel source. Coal became a key factor in the Industrial Revolution and the subsequent revolution.

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