Living organisms require oxygen for important biochemical reactions Biology essay

The equation for aerobic respiration shows that glucose combines with oxygen and ADP to produce carbon dioxide, water and ATP: C6H12O6 glucose, 6O2. depleted ATP; Anabolic response. endothermic reaction in organisms, reactions build larger molecules from smaller ones. biochemical reaction. chemical reaction that takes place in the cells of living things. biochemistry. a branch of chemistry that studies the study of chemical processes that occur in living things. catabolic reaction. Metabolism refers to the series of chemical reactions that take place in living organisms to sustain life. Anabolism is the process of building larger, more complex molecules from a sample essay I wrote in a mock exam last year about the importance of ions in biology. This essay clearly demonstrates the structure and level of complexity required to achieve a high grade in the essays. Catabolic reactions. Exergonic reactions in organisms are called catabolic reactions. During these reactions, molecules are broken down into smaller units and energy is released. An example of a catabolic reaction is the breakdown of glucose during cellular respiration, which releases energy that cells need to carry out life processes..

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