Exploring the Problems of Eating Disorders Media Essay

Abstract. The prevalence of social media use in modern society has led to an increase in image viewing, which can impact female body image satisfaction and subsequent eating disorders. Bulimia nervosa is another dangerous eating disorder. Hall and Cohn define it as “an obsession with food and weight characterized by repeated overeating followed by compensatory behavior, such as self-induced vomiting or excessive exercise.”25 In addition, bulimics tend to overuse laxatives or diuretics. Background. Eating disorders have increasingly become the focus of research due to their prevalence, especially in Western cultures. Of the adolescent and young adult populations in the United States, for example, between. 9, have been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa AN, between. 5, In bulimia nervosa BN, shame is significantly associated with psychological disorders or dangerous eating habits and body image problems 6,7,8. In particular, studies have shown a significant link between body shame and eating disorders9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, and “attention has recently shifted to examining the effect, 1.1. Stigma and mental disorders. Stigmatization of social groups is common worldwide 9,10. Stigmatized individuals are treated differently, excluded or even socially rejected because they do not meet specific societal norms, for example skin color, physical disability or age. Eating disorders are linked in Western cultures. Social media use contributes to body image concerns and psychological issues. Misguided assumptions underlie online health and wellness content. Online content that promotes weight management can have negative consequences. Keywords: body image disorders, teens, social media, eating disorders, selfies, social comparisons, body dissatisfaction, drive for thinness. 1. This age range was chosen in light of current literature showing that social media use and body image issues mainly affect teens and young people 28,29.

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