Cancer research and gene treatment essay

1 Introduction. Cancer is classified as the second leading cause of death worldwide. One in six deaths was caused by cancer 1,2. In the United States US. 806, are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, corresponding to new cases daily, and generating datasets, target and non-target genes. To generate a positive set of target genes for a specific cancer type, we first retrieved the list of FDA-approved drugs for this cancer type. Scientists develop new CRISPR gene editing platform for precision medicine and cancer treatment. New study sheds light on the speed, nature and transmission of mitochondrial DNA. The transfer of genes into normal cells to complement existing cancer treatments is also being investigated. Current protocols attempt to improve bone marrow protection during chemotherapy by transducing the multidrug resistance gene MDR1 into normal bone marrow or blood-derived stem cells, 36, 37. Gene therapy process: release of the gene. Gene therapy involves inserting a normal gene into the genome to replace an abnormal gene responsible for causing a particular disease. Of the several challenges involved in this process, one of the most important is the difficulty of releasing the gene into the stem cell.3. Angiogenesis in cancer, a literature review. In cancer, a switch to angiogenesis appears to be an imbalance between stimulatory and inhibitory factors leading to a pro-angiogenic state. This results from a condition of relatively poorly blood-supplied hyperplasia, converted into uncontrollable formation of new blood vessels that ultimately leads to gene therapy. aims to repair or replace a defective gene with a healthy gene to try to cure disease or improve the body's ability to fight disease. It shows promise as a treatment for a wide range of diseases, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease, diabetes, hemophilia and AIDS. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has provided the fusion genes MAN2A1-FER found in hepatocellular carcinoma HCC and TMEM135-CCDC prostate cancer PC with the means to engineer CRISPR Cas for the insertion of suicidal genes, such as those for thymidine kinase TK. which catalyzes the conversion of harmless Ganciclovir into cell toxic. The therapies that express gene products, which result in the death of cancer cells, include gene addition therapy, gene excision therapy, antisense RNA therapy, immunotherapy, suicide gene therapy, gene therapy with the use of oncolytic viruses, the introduction of genes to inhibit tumor angiogenesis and the causing drug resistance, 2. Types of DNA damage. DNA lesions affect a large number of cells in the human body and occur at a rate of 000,000 lesions per cell per day. Unrepaired or improperly repaired DNA damage can lead to serious genome abnormalities or mutations, potentially affecting cell survival. However, some mutations can alter cells · An integrative genomic and functional approach to discovering cancer targets. Future novel cancer targets may be discovered through an integrative approach that combines molecular characterization of patient-derived specimens with functional genetic discoveries in biologically relevant models. Tumor samples and/or blood biopsies. Over the years, the team analyzed DNA from more people and in the spring the VHL gene was found: the sixth human cancer gene ever identified. Linehan and others continued the research that provided new insights into the function of the VHL gene and its basis.

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