The relationships between technological environmental factors and the implementation of Abc Accounting essay

In the current era of high environmental uncertainty, the advancement of green technologies has led to innovative practices in the manufacturing sector, making it the preferred approach for achieving sustainable development in today's business markets. Manufacturing companies need green innovation to improve their environment. Accounting can help offset these damages and improve environmental problems. That is why social and environmental accounting SEA is growing and evolving rapidly. However, it has not yet been fully implemented. A possible cause for this problem is the lack of identification of the factors that influence the implementation of SEA in all dimensions. The authors defined the essence of the concept of “environmental control” and conducted an analysis of methods, functions and instruments of environmental control. In contrast, education and training programs on environmental accounting implementation have not yet been developed. If companies are interested in training and practice to give employees a solid foundation in the environment, this will create a starting point for them to adopt EMA in the future. Download Citation, Association between technological innovation and business performance in small and medium-sized enterprises: the moderating effect of environmental factors, purpose in development. The Activity-Based Costing (ABC) system continues to gain attention due to the increasing challenges in today's business environment. This situation motivated the researchers to investigate. Furthermore, this study examines the interplay between the risk and reward aspects of the market environment and shows that firms are most likely to embrace EM strategies in a high-growth situation. Practical implications This study suggests that SME managers should play a more decisive role in identifying technological, organizational and environmental factors that influence success. The main purpose of this article is to highlight the role of environmental accounting in developing management's strategic initiatives in environmental protection. The social. Activity-based Costing ABC is a powerful tool for the organization to calculate accurate and effective costs. for its product, avoiding cost distortions that could lead to sustainable development. Objective: In recent years, management accounting in higher education institutions has undergone significant changes due to the various New Public Management NPM reforms. One of the management accounting tools that has been recommended to higher education institutions is Activity-Based Costing ABC. With this evolving area of ​​research, this article aims to: The important contingency factors that influence organizational structure are environmental uncertainty and production. technology, strategy, size and structure. The purpose of this. Environmental accounting scientists have developed many methods capable of transforming raw environmental and socio-economic data into useful information, both to protect natural ecosystems and to define the most appropriate policy and planning options to meet existing achieve sustainable development goals. number,

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