Functionalism Behaviorism and evolutionary psychology essay

John B. Watson is known as the founder of behaviorism. Although others had similar ideas in the 1990s when behavioral theory began, some suggest that Watson is seen as behavioral. An American psychologist named John B. Watson quickly became one of the strongest proponents of behaviorism. Evolutionary psychology, which initially outlines the basic principles of this new school of thought on paper, is a psychological science that bases hypotheses on evolutionary theory, especially mid-level theories such as Trivers' parental investment theory or life history theory. consideration of known features of the relevant evolutionary past of the species, i.e. relevant selective forces. Influence of structuralism and functionality in psychology. Structuralism and functionality have both had lasting effects on psychology. Structuralism was the first school of thought in psychology and laid the foundation for later theories, including Freud's work on psychoanalysis. Meanwhile, functionalism focused on Structuralism is a psychological school that seeks to understand the structure of the mind and its perceptions by analyzing those perceptions into their component parts. Functionalism is a psychological school that focuses on the purpose and function of the mind and behavior in individual adaptation to the environment. Key,

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