History and Causes of Cold War History

Abstract. The Cold War lasted almost fifty years and ended almost twenty years ago. A vast historiography continues to grow. In explaining the past and the ongoing debate, this article is necessarily selective. It has three objectives. The first is to locate the main phases and trends in the Cold War debate. Subsequently, the Korean War began when the North Korean People's Army crossed the border between the Soviet-backed People's Democratic Army. The Cold War. In the years following the end of World War II, events at home and abroad seemed to prove to many Americans that the "Red threat" was real. In the Soviet Union, for example. As a historical period, the Cold War can be seen as a rivalry between two nuclear superpowers that threatened global annihilation. The rivalry took place within a common frame of reference, in which a new historical relationship between imperialism and nationalism operated across the divide between the superpowers in remarkably parallel ways. The main cause of the Congo crisis. Following the unrest, the resource-rich Katanga province, led by Mo se Tshombe, seceded from the DRC. The Katangan rebels were reportedly supported by the Belgians, 2R The Cold War, c1945-1991. This option provides an in-depth study of the evolving trajectory of international relations during an era of tension between communist and capitalist powers that threatened nuclear Armageddon. It explores concepts such as communism and anti-communism, aggression and d tente and also encourages abstract thinking. The Cold War lasted almost fifty years and ended almost twenty years ago. A vast historiography continues to grow. In explaining the past and the ongoing debate, this article is necessarily selective. It has three objectives. The first is to locate the main phases and trends in the Cold War debate.

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