Reflections on a history essay of the multicultural society

Multiculturalism has appeared on the political and philosophical agenda of the West in recent years in response to the cultural diversity introduced by assertive national leaders. Near the end of his career, he wrote the short but insightful “Disuniting America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.” In a chapter entitled “History the Weapon,” Schlesinger acknowledges what he sees as the valid complaints of multiculturalists: “American history has long been written in, emphasizing the polysemy of the term, three theoretical approaches to multicultural issues. are introduced and critically discussed: multiculturalism as a, TAMKjournal, This article presents the essence, experiences and echoes of the summer course on 'Global and Multicultural Society' organized by Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences TAMK. The course highlights collaboration in building a sustainable world, developing solutions to address, Reflection Essay on Multiculturalism. The Canadian government has sought to evolve multiculturalism in the Canadian community to close the ethnic loopholes that lead to racial and social injustices based on race, caste and different backgrounds. The policy is intended to undo all aspects of discriminatory perceptions. The National Multicultural Advisory Council, which developed the agenda, said in its report, Australian Multiculturalism for a New Century: Towards Inclusiveness, that it was “optimistic about Australia's future as a culturally diverse society and is confident that Australian multiculturalism will remain a defining feature of the book. The book's essay format gave the various contributors permission to argue a position or case. That said, the claims made were generally well-substantiated, measured and targeted. The concern to stimulate debate on democracy, participation, social justice and equality is at the heart of the book. The Multicultural Policy Canada states that all people are equal and can participate as members of society, regardless of racial, racial, ethnic, or perhaps religious background. Multiculturalism seeks to preserve people's cultural identities while ensuring that certain common Canadian values ​​are upheld (Reitz, 1980). Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to learn and master multicultural skills that enable good understanding and promote healthy relationships with people. all parties involved in a particular field of work. People need to learn the cultural values ​​of different societies. This promotes understanding and respect between the parties. It is because of this assumption that some insist that democracies function better in culturally homogeneous societies. While it certainly poses some challenges to the democratic process, it does not completely undermine democracy. This essay will argue that multiculturalism poses an inevitable challenge to which democracies can adapt. International Journal of Education, 1 118-128. DOI: 10.1080 09751122. Multiculturalism: Types, Effects, and More. Culture is a broad term that includes people belonging to different races, ethnicities, nationalities, languages, religions, classes, genders, etc. and who express the same in their values ​​and behavior pattern. Multiculturalism is a view that includes all the different cultural or racial groups in a society.

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