The role language plays in teaching and learning essay

184. This study will focus primarily on how role-playing can be successfully implemented and gained the most benefit from it in the English classroom, and will show that there are four crucial factors for its success. Role-playing is an effective technique to animate the teaching and learning atmosphere, arouse students' interests and promote language acquisition. 1. Linguistic theory provides information about structure and language. function of the language system in general for language teachers. It. plays an important role in determining the objectives. The use of role-playing increases students' involvement in learning. Stevens, 2015 and supports teacher candidates in mastering skills such as classroom instruction Gregory & Masters, 2012, behavior. Just as language shapes our thoughts and perceptions of the world, so does our culture. For the purpose of the present work, culture can be defined as the learned and shared systems of beliefs, values, preferences and social norms that are disseminated through shared activities Arshad amp Chung, 2022 Bezin amp Moizeau, 2017. Over the, One, says: “The mother tongue is the. language that someone learned as a child a t. at home, usually from the parents.” She adds. that children were cared for in bilingual families. can take more than. Everyone plays different roles in English language teaching ELT. Some roles in which a teacher acts. when interacting, the students are as follows: learner, facilitator, assessor. Action: Perform the role play. Consider one of the following approaches to conducting the role-play: Select or volunteer a group of volunteers to perform the role-play while the rest of the class watches. The students perform the role plays in small groups, after which the class discussions take place together. The students perform the role plays outside ROLE OF FIRST. make efficient use of L's linguistic patterns and identify the complexity of any additional elements. learning languages ​​Lightbown amp Spada, 2013, p. 57. Apart from. There is great interest in researching best practices and strategies for teaching and learning a second language. The purpose of this article is to assess and evaluate the effect of a role.

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