A literature review on a specific topic and a resulting research essay

Here are a few examples of essay topics and accompanying thesis statements: Topic: Changing the legal voting age. Statement: When countries lower the legal voting age, youth civic participation increases. To combat low voter turnout among young adults, the United States should lower the voting age. As previously mentioned, a number of existing guidelines for literature searches exist. Depending on the methodology required to achieve the purpose of the assessment, all types may be useful and appropriate to achieve a specific purpose. For examples, see These approaches can be qualitative, quantitative, or mixed. This new research can contribute to: substantiate, modify, refine or refute existing knowledge on a specific subject. Because a cycle of new research and discoveries in the laboratory or in the field depends on the existing scientific knowledge base, which in turn becomes valuable when the new research is incorporated into the scientific knowledge base. A quality research proposal example demonstrates an individual's above average analytical skills, including the ability to synthesize ideas coherently and integrate lateral and vertical thinking. Communication skills. The proposal also demonstrates your ability to convey your thoughts in concise and precise language. The prompt may tell you to write a specific type of essay, or it may provide you with a broad topic and indicate which approach to take. Example: Expository Essay Prompt Choose a historically significant invention and explain the key events and processes that contributed to its development. This question gives us a very general topic. A literature review is an overview of scientific sources such as books, journal articles and theses that relate to a specific topic or research question. It is often written as part of a thesis, dissertation or research paper, to situate your work in relation to existing knowledge. Revised. An essay outline is a way to plan the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing short summary sentences or sentences for each point you will make in each paragraph, which will give you a sense of how your argument will unfold. Sometimes you will be asked to submit an essay outline. The first step in a literature review is to formulate a well-defined question. This helps you search extensively and efficiently in the available literature for relevant publications on your subject. The well-constructed research question provides guidance when determining search terms and search strategy parameters. Define your specific research problem and problem statement. Emphasize the novelty and contributions of the research. Provide an overview of the structure of the article. The research article introduction can vary in scope and structure depending on whether your article presents the results of original empirical research or is a review article. To guide your search development, follow the search steps below. To learn more about each step, navigate to the corresponding tab in the right menu. 1. Formulate a clear, well-defined and answerable search question. In general, the basic literature search process begins with formulating a clear, well-defined research question. Critically assessing literature is an indispensable skill that will last a lifetime,

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