Multi-Level Encryption Scheme for Enhancing Security Computer Science Essay

This paper presents SE-PoW, an efficient and location-aware hybrid encrypted deduplication scheme with two-level security: Enhanced Proof of Ownership in Edge Computing. Specifically, SE-PoW first encrypts files with an inter-edge server-aided randomized convergent encryption RCE method and then protects blocks with . Based on the vulnerabilities that exist in the existing encryption scheme, this research presents a new approach for improving the security of digital images by combining chaotic maps with quantum mechanisms, addressing the limitations of known -D chaotic systems. ​because of their pseudorandom and periodic nature. A new technique is used for the encryption process, the so-called Honeypot cryptographic algorithm. the key verification is processed once the user requests the available information stored in the cloud to verify the encrypted code. This helps maintain the security and privacy of data or information and prevents the double encryption mechanism from also improving the reliability of labels for multi-level identification. The system speed is on the millisecond scale using light. Furthermore, the few known examples of material shape-shifting information encryption are based on solvent swelling or vapor absorption. Applied Science amp Engineering Technology, 6 1, 2018. Google Scholar Designing a secure public key encryption scheme and its security proof are one of the main interests in . In this paper, we propose a novel parallel multi-image encryption algorithm based on cross-plane DNA operations. First, a two-dimensional chaotic system, 2D-SCIM, is constructed. Secondly, for a set of images, whether they are color images, grayscale images or their combinations, we perform bit-plane decomposition according to the. Recently, many image encryption models have been proposed using elliptic curve cryptography and magic matrix. But because security is the top priority when transferring sensitive information, models today must be able to withstand robust hacking without sacrificing system speed. Finally, this work proposes a CP-ABE scheme with a collaborative key management protocol that improved key management efficiency and security through a mobile cloud data sharing environment. Herein, a private key updating algorithm is constructed by introducing a set of attributes for fine-grained access control and immediate revocation. To successfully decode the resulting image, the receiver must correctly guess both the standard key and the multispectral key. Suppose the default scheme uses the chosen key -bit. Follow-up to the highlighted points. and providing a safe environment, this document states a. hybrid encryption algorithm consisting of symmetric and . asymmetric cryptography schemes suitable. The security-enhanced DRPAE double random phase amplitude encryption scheme, which has been shown to be resistant to the well-known plaintext attack, proves to be susceptible to a PSF attack with a simple point spread function, as in the case of the DRPE. Analogy of DRPAE scheme with -f imaging system is used to search for the. In this paper, we aim to design a uniform and efficient multi-purpose searchable symmetric encryption scheme. 1. work. The earliest solution,

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