Changes in Educational Purposes After the American Civil War History Essay
During the post-war Reconstruction period, men were elected, providing political and social power to formerly enslaved people for a short time before a backlash occurred. The Civil War in America. While America had many battles and wars, the Civil War was one of, if not the most important wars ever. The Civil War determined what kind of nation America would be. It also changed the lives of slaves forever and set the tone for the way America would be governed. Two parts of America, the free North and the Civil War. the United States was engaged in a civil war between the states of the North and the Southern states that had seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy. The War, also known as the War Between the States, the War of the Rebellion, the War of Secession and the War. For analyzes of previous literature, see Beale, “What Historians Have Said About the Causes of the Civil War.” Thomas J. Pressly, Americans Interpret Their Civil War New York, 1962, David M. Potter, “The Literature on the Background of the Civil War,” in The South and the Sectional Conflict, by David M. Potter Baton Rouge, 1968, The The American Civil War was the culmination of the struggle between proponents and opponents of slavery that dated from the founding of the United States. This partial conflict between the Northern states and the slaveholding Southern states was tempered by a series of political compromises, but over the years the issue of,