Tasks on strategic supply chain management and logistics essay

This includes managing transportation, inventory, warehousing and distribution to streamline the flow of goods and services. Logistics management is an essential part of supply chain management and is crucial for achieving operational efficiency, reducing costs and increasing customer satisfaction. Logistics management. The process described above was that of a typical retail supply chain. In practice, however, there are many different types. Here are three examples of well-known masters of supply chains. Optimizing DC operations to improve productivity by maximizing vertical space instead of space expansion is one of the smart ways to turn warehouse management into profitable operations. 3; 1 Introduction. As defined by Cox 1999 and Harland 1996, Supply Chain Management SCM refers to a. process of managing an interconnected business network that delivers goods and services. Despite all the efforts companies are putting into improving the performance of their supply chains, relatively few have unlocked the full potential of digital technologies. A recent McKinsey study found that the average supply chain has a percentage of digitalization, the lowest of five business areas surveyed. According to strategic alignment models, the success of organizational strategy depends on the alignment of environmental uncertainties, strategy, and adopted technology, practices, or systems Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993, Luffinan et al. 1993. For organizations to be competitive and successful, they must accurately measure: The The world of logistics is changing and entering a new era. The advancement of digitalization and technology enables new business models, increased process efficiency and new planning approaches. Supply chain management SCM is one of the most important ways to optimize the budget of companies that produce goods and/or services. At the same time, logistics plays a major role in supply chains: managing physical, informational and human flows to optimize them and avoid unnecessary waste of resources. Because the logistics function, an important subcomponent of supply chain management, is the subject of this book, we focus on this activity and its subcomponents. CONTROL: AN ANAL. A supply chain consists of interconnected parts of a whole, which together result in end products that are purchased by customers. Take cars for example. Before a consumer buys a car, iron ore is extracted from the earth. The ore is transported to a factory, where it is converted into steel, which is processed into the chassis of the car. Purchasing is part of supply chain management and aims to ensure that a company receives materials from the most efficient supplier at an appropriate price. . It also ensures that materials and machines for production are available at the right time in the right quality and quantity. With an effective purchasing strategy, a company is. 1 Understand who Supply Chain Manager is. 2 Role and responsibilities of the Supply Chain Manager. a Supply Chain planning and strategy. b Logistics and transport management. c Purchasing and supplier management. d Risk management and mitigation. e Data analysis and technology integration. 3 Conclusion.

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