A study on measuring organizational performance

The effectiveness of an organization consists of a series of elements, in particular the performance of its personnel, the effectiveness of the financial transactions and the activities of the company in general, the quality of the source materials, the appropriateness of the logistics strategy applied. , etc. Therefore, in most cases it is operational. Bailey et al. conducted a systematic review in 2017, examining studies that examined the meaning, antecedents, and consequences of engagement and examined performance outcomes. Employee performance is adapted from George and Zhou 2001 and developed by Zhang and Bartol 2010. Research has shown that there is a direct and significant relationship between transformational leadership. An important step to gain more clarity in this relationship is to conduct research. the role that performance management plays in creating and sustaining high performance. organization HPO. The. According to Richard et. al. The first hypothesis from 2008 is that at the highest management level, perceived diversity is positively related to perceived performance. This hypothesis holds if diversity at the upper management level has a positive influence on the direction and strategic decision-making of senior management. Different scales to measure the non-financial indicators related to organizational performance, Galang and Osman, 2016, Hauff et al. 2018, Jiang et al. 2012b These items cover two key words

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