The Germanic Invasions and Settlements History essay

1 Meyres, The English settlements, p1. 2 The sources use different names to describe the pre-invasion population and the Germanic invaders who came under their control. For this article, Roman, the Saxons were a Germanic people from the region north of the Elbe River, stretching from Holstein in modern-day Germany to the North Sea. The Saxons who migrated to Britain in the century AD, along with the Angles, Frisians and Jutes, became known as Anglo-Saxons to distinguish them from the Vikings who settled in the area and invaded many places in what is today called Germany . mainly along the Rhine, the North Sea coast and the Scandinavian border areas. These raiders and settlers also ended up in modern-day Netherlands, with a lot of Viking influence in North Holland and Frisia based on archaeological finds. −.

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