HPV vaccine is safe to use essay

The HPV vaccination program was extended to boys aged and older. The HPV schedule changed from dose schedule to dose schedule for those who started the program when they did. HPV vaccination is most effective in early adolescence, with effectiveness decreasing dramatically with age and minimal benefit being noted with age. 3, HPV vaccination is safe for adults, years there would be limited public health benefits from vaccinating people in this age range. 12, 36, 37, The study found that the intervention had no effect on HPV vaccine uptake 03, 95 01. 05 We rated the certainty of the evidence as moderate due to the high risk of bias in the included study. The costs of the intervention were measured in three studies. 25, 45, 47 Innovative financing accelerated the introduction of the pneumococcal vaccine, allowing it to be launched simultaneously in rich and poor countries in a world first. Vaccination saves millions of lives every year. We now have vaccines to prevent infections, allowing people of all ages to live longer, healthier lives.

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