Ability Job fit or personality Organization Psychology essay

Two contemporary criticisms of personality research on organizational behavior – that its validity is poor and that faking undermines the usefulness of personality inventories in work contexts – are then evaluated. Finally, a brief agenda for future research is provided, highlighting necessary areas for progress. Introduction. Criterion-related validity studies strongly supported the role of personality in predicting employee job performance. Ones et al. 2007 Chamorro-Premuzic and Furnham, 2010. The literature agrees that there is a significant relationship between personality and job performance across all occupational groups. 0.57: 0.15: I have the right skills and abilities for this job. 0.61: 0.29: There is a good match between the requirements of this job and my skills. 0.68: 0.22: My personality suits this job well. 0.73: 0.19: I am the right type of person for this type of work. 0.76: 0. The psychologists examine how different parts of the brain respond to different stimuli and draw conclusions about the person's personality. One example is where studies using modern imaging technology have shown that the left and right frontal lobes of the brain respond differently to emotions that can influence personality. The PE fit theory describes the compatibility of the individual with an aspect of their work context, for example fit between the person and the work group person-group PG fit or organization person-organization PO fit. 13 E fit research measures the interacting individual and contextual factors that determine employee skills. For example, employees' skills may be improved through training, motivation may be developed through performance-based compensation, and the ability to participate may be influenced by discretion..

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