Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review Essay

Phytochemical screening of methanolic extracts of E. fimbriobracteata revealed the presence of cardiac glycosides, saponins and steroids in all parts of the plant, while alkaloids and anthraquinones were absent. The presence of steroids has been similarly reported in aerial parts of E. linguiformis Hossan et al. 2013. However, plant exhibits a variety of pharmacological activities ranging from antimicrobial, insecticidal, mosquitoicidal, nematocide, wound healing, antioxidant to analgesic. Despite the presence. A Pharmacological Evaluation of Ethanol Extract from the Rhizome of Alpinia calcarata for Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Athmatic Properties Journal Of Advanced S-1 917-928 The current communication attempts the macroscopy, microscopy, physicochemical, preliminary phytochemical and thin layer chromatography TLC fingerprint studies of different extracts. Spinacia oleracea. Linn. SO is an annual plant with medicinal properties. native to central and southwest Asia. Indifferent. Traditional medicine system it is known by different names. Are. The aim of the study was to evaluate polyphenols in a dry extract obtained from the postdistillation waste of the Ameri, Phytochemical and Pharmacological Evaluation of the Residual Byproduct Developed from the Ocimum americanum, Lamiaceae Postdistillation Waste Foods. 2021, 10 12 3063. The evaluation was carried out in terms of macroscopic, microscopic, physicochemical, phytochemical and chromatographic analysis. Leaves of P. biglandulosa showed the presence of circular dark. Phytochemical analysis of the Antidesma bunius has confirmed the presence of various types of flavonoids, terpene, sugar, saponin, tannin, toxic alkaloids, phenolic acids, procyanidin B1 and procyanidin B anthocyanins. This current study provides insight into the pharmacogonstic, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Antidesma. This study evaluated the phytochemical and nutritional composition of four selected vegetables consumed in Nigeria namely bush mallow ahihara, garden egg leaf okpokwa, African spinach inine. Conclusions The ethnopharmacological, phytochemical, pharmacological and toxicological and quality evaluation of PTT were highlighted in this review, which provides potential reference information. To evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity, the disk diffusion method, and to determine the thrombolytic activity, the method of Prasad et al. is used. Minor changes were made. The chemical structures of some bioactive and phytochemical compounds found in different parts of Amaranthus. Nutritional and pharmacological activitiesPhytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of fruits of. Solanum indicum Linn. Int J Pharm Sci Rev Res. 2014 25 2: 28-32. phytochemical and pharmacological assessment. Resume. p gt Phytochemical and biological research was carried out on ethanolic extracts of the leaves and root bark of Justica adhatoda L. Alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, tannins, steroids. Kcal. Phytochemistry. Amaranthus viridis has several active ingredients such as tannins, resins, reducing sugars and amino acids. The methanolic leaves. extract was reported for the. The present study aimed to evaluate the phytochemical and pharmacological activity of the ethanolic extract of Solanum nigrum in experimental animal models. The ethanolic extract of S. nigrum was used at three different doses (100, 200 mg kg body weight) to evaluate its anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant activity by,

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