Study on the psychological factors of obesity essay

Introduction. Obesity is defined by the World Health Organization as 'abnormal or excessive fat deposits that may be detrimental to health'. The prevalence of obesity has increased exponentially over the years and is now so widespread that many have declared a state of obesity pandemic 2, 3. WHO estimates that obesity is a risk factor for depression. In this second part we investigate evidence that obesity is a risk factor for depression. Only in one of the articles could no link be established between the two disorders, although the conclusions must be adjusted. The pattern among boys was similar to the pattern among all children and adolescents, except that Hispanic boys (28.0) had a higher prevalence of obesity than non-Hispanic black boys (19.0). The review article aims to study the health consequences, including physical and psychological factors and comorbidities. There is a lack of research into factors that influence compliance with lifestyle changes in the long term. We conducted a mixed methods study to investigate the psychological factors of diet and physical activity. PA adherence among overweight and obese Chinese adults, months after enrolling in a community-based lifestyle, obesity, a condition once considered an adult problem, has spread among Chinese adults. more young people in the century than in the past. This disease can be explained as the presence of excess fat in the body. An easy way to diagnose obesity is to use the Body Mass Index BMI, which is simply weight kg height m 2. Results: published between, were included. A positive consistent association was found between genetic factors and obesity during adolescence. There is also evidence supporting the link between socioeconomic status and obesity. Psychological aspects of obesity in children. Psychosocial factors, especially within the family, often play an important role in the development and maintenance of obesity. Once obesity is diagnosed, it takes on a decisive influence on the child's physical and mental health. Obesity is a particularly important factor affecting mental health 8.9, obese populations have higher. The results of the qualitative studies show that there are psychological problems. 1 Introduction. Reducing the prevalence of childhood obesity is a global public health focus. million school-age children and adolescents - overweight or obese Systematic reviews have found that being overweight as a child confers and is associated with a high risk of becoming obese as an adult. A new study published in the scientific journal “Translational Psychiatry” Leutner et al. 2023 aimed to investigate the link between obesity and mental health problems in a huge. Bariatric surgery is indicated for the treatment of severely obese people and can lead to significant weight loss and reduction of comorbidities associated with obesity. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between various psychological factors, for example, binge eating tendency, impulsivity, alexithymia, dietary fidelity. Objectives The aim of our study was to describe the main psychosocial factors associated with obesity in adults and to develop a unified construct of.

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