Educational theories and learning styles about teaching practice essay

However, an unfortunate divide between academics and practitioners has led to the perception that theory belongs to an 'ivory tower' and is not relevant to practice. Yet the old saying suggests that there is nothing. Shifts in education research, in the way science is defined in higher education, and in the way funding is appropriated, suggest that educators within basic science areas can benefit from a better understanding of learning theory and how it applies to classroom practice . This article uses a mock curriculum design scenario as a framework. The results show that most learning styles are related to educational theories, with the exception of the reflective style, more specifically, the active learning style is related to the. The essay uses Kolb's learning model to classify learning styles. Analysis of Vark's learning style assessment. In this article, the VARK assessment results show that my preferred learning style is the multimodal style, with a strong emphasis on reading, writing, kinesthetic and auditory learning styles. Personal Learning Style According to Kolb's, The Hybrid or blended style. Hybrid or blended style follows an integrated approach to teaching that combines the teacher's personality and interests with student needs and curriculum-appropriate methods. Benefits: Inclusive And it allows teachers to tailor their style to the needs of students and the right learning material. In other words, we all have the ability to learn in any way, but some of us prefer to learn in a certain way, for whatever reason. These are the main theories about learning styles: 8. 8. Intelligence theory. 8. Immigrants, digital natives. 8. VARK model. The article aims to establish the relationship between individual learning styles and learning methods. teaching foreign languages ​​at a university. The aim of the study is to justify the multimodal. By making learning more engaging and fun, students are more likely to play an active role in their own learning process. This can help increase their knowledge and understanding of the subject. 5. Improved teaching strategies. Applying learning theories to teaching strategies can be a great way to improve learning in the classroom. 8. Evaluate performance: Assess student progress using quizzes, tests, or hands-on exercises to measure achievement of learning objectives. 9. Facilitate retention and transfer: Use strategies such as evaluation and application in different contexts to promote the long-term retention and application of learned material. Learning theories are conceptual frameworks that describe how people absorb, process, and retain information. Theories of education did not begin in earnest until the 10th century, but curiosity about how people learn dates back to the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. They investigated whether knowledge, theories that students learn and study differently, are based on the idea that people have unique approaches to processing information. A learning style is a person's preferred method of gathering, organizing, and thinking about information. Fleming amp Baume, 2006. Because students can absorb information in different ways, Vygotsky's theory states that learning occurs through social interaction and scaffolding. Theories of Learning, Cognitive learning theory has applications in nursing education, such as problem-based learning, case studies and simulations. For example, nursing students can use a case study to apply their problem-solving and psychosocial theory. “The psychosocial.

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