Differences between HTML and Xhtml Information Technology Essay

1. HTML is used in constructing web pages. XHTML is an advanced version of HTML whose basis is XML. DHTML is a mix of different technologies used in web development. 2. HTML is a basic and simple development language. XHTML is stricter than HTML because it is case sensitive and the syntax must be correct. HTML is a major update to the original HTML, improving web interactivity and design. HTML-native multimedia support, eliminating the need for audio and video plug-ins. Semantic elements in HTML page structure and SEO, making content more accessible. Advanced HTML APIs for features such as: 1. XHTML is a dialect based on the XML language, while DHTML is not a dialect or language, but a collection of other technologies. Both were created to provide additional features and interactivity to HTML. DHTML still uses HTML at its core and is plagued with HTML-related problems. XHTML is more streamlined and easier to code, XML is a markup language for encoding data, while XHTML is a stricter version of HTML that adheres to XML syntax rules. XML is more flexible and extensible, while XHTML focuses on compatibility with HTML and XML. XML can represent any data, while XHTML is designed for web page formatting. Resume. Key insights.HTML: In HTML, foreign elements can use attributes such as xlink:arcrole, xlink:actuate, xlink:role, xlink:href, xlink:title, xlink:show, and xlink:type. You can only use xlink as a prefix. XHTML: Based on conformance rules defined by namespaces in XML, XLink attributes can be specified on foreign elements. Which can. This appendix describes the differences between. a deviation from both and. 0. The most important thing is the removal of features that are outdated. In general, the strategy is to define a markup language that is rich in structural functionality but dependent on style. 2. Both were created to provide additional features and interactivity to HTML. 3. DHTML still uses HTML at its core and is plagued with HTML-related problems. 4. XHTML is more streamlined and easier to code with because of its conformance to XML. 5. DHTML is already outdated and replaced by other technologies. However, there is even more variation between the two: XHTML is case sensitive, like HTML, while HTML is not. Both XHTML and HTML have a more complex doctype than HTML5. Note: doctype tells browsers how to interpret the data. HTML compatible with all browsers. XHTML is not.Advantages. Flexibility: SGML's ability to be adapted to certain document types and industries enables the development of markup languages. Rich metadata: SGML has strong metadata features, making it suitable for applications with structured data and document management. Reusability: The entity system in SGML makes HTML a major update to the original HTML, improving web interactivity and design. HTML-native multimedia support, eliminating the need for audio and video plug-ins. Semantic elements in HTML page structure and SEO, making content more accessible. Advanced HTML APIs for functionalities such as HTML, XML and DHTML are web technologies. HTML or HyperText Markup Language is a primary markup language used to design web pages. XML, or extensible language, is a markup language that focuses on data description that is both human and machine readable. DHTML or Dynamic HyperText Markup, Summary: 1. XHTML.

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