Definition of HIV and Aids Health and social care essay

AIDS is one. Condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system makes it life-threatening. infections and cancers can thrive. Infection with HIV occurs through blood transfer. HIV is spread through contact with the genitals, for example during sex without a condom. This type of infection is called a sexually transmitted infection, also called an STD. HIV is also spread through contact with blood, such as when people share needles or syringes. It is also possible for a person with untreated HIV to spread the virus to a child. As stated in a Canadian best practice guideline for HIV nursing care, nurses must “understand how social determinants impact the health and well-being of individuals and have the skills that enable them to advocate for practices and approaches that support equality.” Canadian Association of Nurses in HIV AIDS Care, The focus of this article is on the relationship between the demand and supply of social care for people with HIV. AIDS. Identifying demand for social care and support services by. Standard precautions are intended to reduce the risk of transmission of blood-borne and other pathogens from both recognized and unrecognized sources. They represent the basic level of infection control precautions that should be applied at a minimum when caring for all patients. Hand hygiene is an important part of standard precautions and: 1. Introduction. According to WHO, human immunodeficiency virus HIV is the virus that can destroy or impair the functioning of the immune system and lead to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS, which is known as the most advanced stages of HIV infection. people living with HIV worldwide. Although health indicators are steadily improving, Uganda's population is among the fastest growing in the world. Population growth has led to an explosion in the number of young people, with one percent of the population being one percent younger than age. Therefore, efforts are underway to further strengthen the country's health. ~ AIDS Care is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes multidisciplinary research related to HIV-AIDS, including service planning, prevention and the social and psychological aspects of care and treatment. HIV and AIDS infection affects many levels of society, ranging from individuals, couples and families. Despite the end of apartheid in the 1990s, South Africa remains racially and economically segregated. The country is plagued by persistent social inequality, poverty, unemployment, a heavy disease burden and uneven quality of healthcare. The South African healthcare system is currently involved in the complex project: AIDS is preceded by HIV infection. HIV can only be transmitted in three different ways: Visual aids. 1 The first is through sexual contact. This is the most common way HIV is contracted. It can be passed on when an infected person has vaginal or anal intercourse with another person. Programs to prevent and treat the physical and mental health effects of HIV-AIDS continue in all parts of the world. South Africa had more. people living with HIV.

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