Tourism in Mecca Religion essay

~ hajj, in Islam the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which every adult Muslim must make at least once in his or her life. The Hajj is the fifth of the basic Muslim practices, and piety and commerce have always been so. existed cheek by jowl in Mecca. But the development of a consumer-capitalist model of religious tourism on the scale that Saudi Arabia envisions is unprecedented. Purpose Religious tourism is one of the oldest and fastest growing segments. This study analyzes religious tourism through Muslim pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca and provides the following. The current study on the pilgrimage to Mecca aims to: i identify the motivational dimensions of religious tourism demand, ii determine the segments of religious tourism demand. As has been argued by a number of scholars, there is a link between religion and tourism. Weidenfeld & Ron, 2008 Sharpley, 2009. Historically, religious tourism has been primarily associated with the pilgrimage Collins-Kreiner & Geoffrey, 2015 Nhamo et al. . 2020. For centuries, pilgrimages have been practiced by Purpose. Religious tourism is one of the oldest and fastest growing segments. This study analyzes religious tourism through Muslims' pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca and has the following objectives: 1 to identify the motivational dimensions of religious tourism, 2 to identify the motivational dimensions that predict that for Muslims the trip to Mecca is a one-time event. religious obligation during your lifetime. Millions of Muslims from all over the world make the journey to Mecca every year. The trip is an opportunity to perform the hajj or pilgrimage and to show solidarity with other Muslims from all walks of life. Mecca is also a place with a lot of historical and cultural heritage. The current article aims to analyze the evolution of religious tourism and how the existing concepts, paradigms and practices related to religious tourism have evolved and changed over time. The. Scholarly research has paid scant attention to the interrelationship between religion and tourism, although there is growing interest, as evidenced by the increase in publications on aspects of the subject. a resource and a source of extraction for tourism. Religion and spirituality are driving forces in tourism, and the new mobility regime offered by tourism has made religion more mobile. Although sometimes seen as antagonists, this chapter shows that religion and tourism have a shared history and have developed symbiotically. Join millions on sacred journeys to the pilgrimage sites of Europe, where ancient traditions meet modern seekers in a quest for meaning. Pilgrimage is one of the fastest growing movements in the world, with more than a million people going on pilgrimage every year. 1 In contemporary Europe, the renewed popularity of pilgrimages equates to: 2. Religious tourism and heritage. Where religious people have created a space of interaction with sacred powers, tourism practices can create a place worth visiting. Bremer. It is undeniable that holy places are visited by different people and for very different reasons, ranging from believers to those who aspire to them,

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