An Empirical Investigation of Metacognitive Strategy Training Education Essay

Globally, educational improvement aims to address the critical area of ​​quality teaching and learning. A common emphasis on quality has tended to create a binary of 'active' teaching methods and rote learning, while the teaching and learning processes have remained a black box in many contexts. This study explores teaching practices in, on the other hand, a think-aloud strategy study. size that has a large effect, and leave two studies alone. 443. This study showed an average effect size. By providing students with a written representation of their cognitive understanding, this study demonstrated how text annotation is used as a metacognitive strategy. Furthermore, improving students' reading comprehension skills would require metacognition, as “awareness is essential for students to successfully navigate literature. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the “knowledge of cognition” and “regulation of cognition”, which are processes of the metacognitive strategy for improvement. The purpose of this study was to identify, analyze, synthesize and evaluate research papers focused on the application of. metacognitive strategies to improve the quality of learning in secondary education. A number of studies claim that metacognitive strategies had positive effects in learning the English language and that teaching these strategies could motivate students to learn the language effectively. An original intervention: game-based learning of research skills. The characteristics of learning and playing games are closely linked: curiosity, persistence, risk-taking, reward, attention to detail, problem solving and interpretation. cf. Klopfer, Osterweil, amp Salen, The research presented here attempted a, within the area of. metacognition, the model illustrates the following metacognitive strategies: • Goal setting and planning: identifying goals, choosing them, and planning to achieve them. • Knowledge of. An empirical model for analyzing the effects of students' metacognition on their academic learning. Ataman, A. amp, zsoy, G. 2009. The effect of metacognitive strategy training on mathematical problem solving. International electronic journal of. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 49 2, 225-250. The metacognitive training applied in the current study was based on the method proposed for writing by Teng, 2016. The metacognitive training used a series of self-oriented questions, which has been argued to result in metacognitive strategy training through CALLA in improved performance in the field of writing. reading comprehension for the students Devine, 1993 Grabe, 1991 Zhang, 2010. Therefore, the author conducted an empirical study to investigate the effect of metacognitive strategy training on students' writing performance, hoping to find an optimal teaching. By using. Analyze the data from descriptive statistics, independent samples T-test and qualitative research, the research comes to the conclusions: 1. the meta-cognitive strategy training has. The results showed that: 1 most students' selection of materials and strategies was test-based and deadline-driven, 2 students who reported more metacognitive strategies were more likely to select study materials according to a predetermined plan, apply spacing and self-study to do. testing and using feedback to develop their strategies, 3 intrinsic,

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