Health Needs of Australian Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Peoples Essay

1.1. The meaning of community collaboration. Because Aboriginal Australians often experience a range of chronic health conditions throughout their lives and in the context of the health, social and cultural disparities they face, their needs as older people are likely to be more complex. Existing healthcare services are generally not1 Introduction. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander hereafter Aboriginal, Australian are Indigenous peoples currently making. The colonization of Australia by the British dispossessed Indigenous peoples of their lands, rights and occupation, as the British assumed authority, continues to strive for improved health and wellbeing worldwide due to significant health and social inequalities. The social determinants of health make an important contribution to health outcomes. Comprehensive primary health care managed and delivered by indigenous peoples is expanding. Components of culture have been shown to be integral to the care and wellbeing of people living in residential aged care. 1,2,3 Cultural care includes issues of history and geography and ethnicity are all important aspects of caring for older people Cultural care focuses and responds to the needs of an individual who is ill. The effects of colonization are evident in all aspects of Indigenous people's health and well-being, affecting more than just their physical health. but mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is well established that Indigenous peoples in Canada experience a disproportionate burden of poor health compared to non-Indigenous peoples. These risky health behaviors include increased tobacco use, increased alcohol use, and lower levels of physical activity and a poorer diet than non-Indigenous people 9, 10. They are also less likely to participate in regular cancer screening programs than non-Indigenous people, which may lead to a later diagnosis and therefore to worse cancer. The impactful National Aboriginal Education Committee NAEC is often cited as the first major Indigenous leadership body to influence education policy Holt, 2021. Organized in response to the disparity in educational outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, NAEC was the main advisory body for. Estimates from a systematic review revealed that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia have a higher risk of dental caries than non-Indigenous Australians, varying, compared to non-Indigenous people. National surveys in Canada estimate the rate of untreated dental caries among Indigenous people. An AIHW analysis from the Australian Bureau of Statistics ABS 2017 - Health Survey - Data from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey estimated that well over a third of the health gap between First Nations people and non-Indigenous Australians was due to social determinants of employment and, in Australia, a study with non-Indigenous Australians Indigenous Australians - people admit they would discriminate against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in some situations, 30-40 have negative stereotypes about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples -30 understand acts of: Health workers are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people who have completed a minimum of training in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health care and may have further specialist training. has been changed to ensure confidentiality. Editor's Note.

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