Assistive technology: legislation and legal issues essay

Software, hardware, platforms and networks are regulated by sometimes conflicting and overlapping laws, policies and standards. New technologies continually create new frontiers for policy makers. Assistive technology can support people with special educational needs and/or disabilities SEND to improve or maintain their daily quality of life. This also applies in the areas of education and employment. This article looks at the challenges people with SEND face in these areas, as well as the possible supporting solutions. The Assistive Technology Program provides assistive technology solutions for disabled employees at the U.S. Department of Education, ED, and also ensures that the agency's electronic and information systems are accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities. ED Resources: US Government Resources, the Law Commission's report recommended the introduction of legislation to facilitate the proper use of ART and the legalization of surrogacy. It is against this backdrop that Parliament passed the Assisted Reproductive Technology Regulation Act, 2021, which received the assent of the President in relation to: “Assistive Technology”, hereinafter referred to as AT, according to the World Health Organization WHO, is a general term covering all denotes systems and systems. services related to the use of assistive devices and the performance of services WHO, 2001. In general and according to the Assistive Technology Act, it is defined in the US as “any assistive technology device, AT device: “Any item, device, or a product system, whether commercially purchased off-the-shelf, modified, or custom-made, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a child with a disability. This does not include a surgically implanted device, such as a cochlear implant. An assistive technology device includes any item, device or system used to maintain or enhance the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities, for example, wheelchairs, hearing aids or screen readers and computer software, and an assistive technology service is a service that provides a directly helps the individual with an Overview. Assistive technology is an umbrella term for assistive products and related systems and services. Assistive devices help maintain or improve an individual's functioning in the areas of cognition, communication, hearing, mobility, self-care and vision, enabling their health, well-being, inclusion and participation. Any conversation about the legal, policy, and ethical requirements of an ET must be contextualized within the lens of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the federal law that governs the provision of special education services to students with disabilities in U.S. public schools. The central focus of IDEA is to provide a free and appropriate audience, Background. assisted reproductive technology ART, including in vitro fertilization, has given hope to millions of couples suffering from infertility, but it has also presented numerous ethical, legal and social challenges. The purpose of this article is to identify and discuss the aspects of ART that are most relevant to today's society,

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