Financial institution that transfers money between savers and borrowers Financial Essay

1. Direct transfer from savers to borrowers: When a company issues and sells shares or bonds to the saver without giving any financial institution, the company as a borrower will deliver securities to savers who in turn transfer money to the company and the capital directly is transferred from savers to companies. Tax branches are the topographical point for providing the tax service. Properly, people are allowed to buy or sell, to make or exchange the portion. Tax institutions raise the fund from investors in tax benefits, such as sedimentations, loans and bonds. There are the most basic things that can be touched decently. The financial institution is the process of providing financial services to the people. It can also say that the institution collects the funds from the public into the financial assets. It is also verified by the government, so it is safe for people to use it. The main function of the financial institution is to transfer the

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