I will never understand JavaScript essay

The JS nastiness is actually a “feature”, rumor has it it was a bug. used in some very specific scenarios. I got used to the language by doing my best to avoid the dirty manner and I'm happy with it. Therefore, in the past, jQuery was the best solution, which made the situation a bit easier, but now it is being replaced by other Frameworks such as VueJs, React and Angular. 2. Understanding the, 1. Be proud of your strengths. You don't want to rely solely on your parents' approval, especially if they don't understand you. Learn to be proud of your own unique strengths. As the name implies, JavaScript is a scripting language. Traditional languages ​​such as C are compiled before being converted into executable binary form, with the compiler checking for errors. Understand JavaScript Currying Minutes. Currying is a great tool that allows you to split arguments into separate functions. The main advantage is that you can specialize or apply partially, Ryan Carniato for This is Learning ・, 22. WebAssembly. On the one hand, JavaScript has a monopoly on the web browser, the biggest gateway to most of the world's eyeballs. Therefore, most web developers must know it to some extent. On the other hand, switching between multiple programming languages ​​is a practical use case for JavaScript generators. JavaScript generators are great. A brilliant concept that is infinitely useful on paper. They let you write infinite loops that end. Return values ​​from functions before they terminate. Build lazy data structures. Lazy evaluation programming Every functional programmer's wet dream. 😍.1. Correct attitude. The first thing you need to do is take the right attitude to learning JavaScript. Learning JavaScript will become unnecessarily difficult if you tackle it. Approach the practice with the right mentality. 4. Find time to code using the Facebook trick. 5. Think slower and you learn faster. 6. Write complex code in plain language first. Learning. JavaScript syntax is breathtakingly difficult and I've just gotten to the "Testing Objects for Properties" section of the JS module and I don't even know what it's asking me to do. What I need is a mentor, but I'm afraid if I don't pass this, I won't get one, which is kind of.

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