Historical and Political Context of Social Work Social Work Essay

Abstract. Social work is political-normative work. De Boer amp Duyvendak, 2004. Therefore, the political and policy context in which social work practices take place is crucial for understanding social work as a profession and its social task as abstract. Historical knowledge plays an important role in the development of social work's identity. Yet there is little analysis of the historical literature on social work and social workers. Work, the historical development of social work in African contexts, the importance of social work theories rooted in African culture and some practical examples with a focus on counselling. The importance of historical context in analysis and interpretation. Historical context is an important part of life and literature, and without it, memories, stories, and characters have less meaning. Historical context is about the details surrounding an event. In more technical terms, historical context refers to the. Because the literature on anti-oppressive practices in social work is scarce, this study has two objectives: 1. to analyze the opinions of social workers on their role in the fight against oppression and discrimination and in implementing a “political role” and 2 investigating the types of oppression and discrimination in daily practice within it. 1. Supports the protection of human rights. Advocacy in social work is deeply rooted in the protection of human rights. Social workers strive to protect the rights of vulnerable groups by addressing systemic inequality and injustice. Their efforts ensure that the dignity of every individual is recognized and respected in society.

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