Compression and shear wave velocity in carbonate rock engineering essay

1 Simultaneous measurements of ultrasonic compressional and shear wave velocities V s were made at pressures and temperatures representative of the lower crust. The intrinsic compression and shear wave velocities of rocks decrease with increasing temperature. An important parameter that quantifies the temperature effect on rock wave velocities is the temperature coefficient. \\partial V \\partial T, ∂ V, ∂ T, which is the gradient of the linear relationship between the wave velocity and compressional, shear and Stoneley wave velocities respectively V p, V s and V st are important reservoir characteristics that have many applications in petrophysical, geophysical and geomechanical studies. In this study, V p, V s and V st were predicted from well log data using genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic and neuro-fuzzy. Elastic waves consist of compressional or P waves, and shearing or S waves. In compression waves, the movement of the particles is in the direction of propagation. In shear waves, the movement of the particles is perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Understanding the speed of these waves provides valuable information about the. In areas where shear wave velocity logs are not available, it is standard practice to empirically estimate the shear wave velocity Vs from the compressional wave velocity Vp. Although some of the theoretical methods predict shear wave velocity from idealized pore geometries, the fact remains that the most reliable and reliable data on shear wave velocity from sedimentary rock sequences is a prerequisite for implementing most mathematical models of geomechanics in the field of petroleum engineering. This study attempts to estimate V s from conventional logs using multiple linear regression, an ensemble learning method and a deep artificial neural network in a carbonate reservoir. The logging behavior of the shear wave velocity is strongly dependent on the lithology, that is, the density and mineralogy of the reservoir rock. For this reason, we focus on the C Shear wave velocity VS and d compressional wave velocity VP of, s within their respective structural phase transformation. Full size image The speed of the compression wave depends on many factors. Four of the most important factors in carbonate rocks are porosity, burial depth, bulk density and shale. In formation evaluation, NPHI logs of neutron porosity and RHOB logs of bulk density are introduced as porosity logs, while a calculated CGR log of gamma rays is a log. To estimate the shear wave velocity in rocks, the shear wave velocity VS is needed to calculate the elastic or inelastic properties of the rock, to detect gas-bearing formations. Also, VS is useful in fluid identification and matrix mineral identification. Due to the lack of wells with shear wave velocity data, so many empirical models have been developed to predict the shear wave velocity. The aim of this paper is to improve the estimation of shear wave velocity in carbonate rocks. The region under study is an oil field in southwestern Iran, where Upper Cretaceous carbonates act as the producing reservoir. These fault-bearing carbonates complicate the study of this reservoir. Moreover, the accuracy and 4. Results and discussion. An epsilon support vector regression, ε-SVR algorithm was used to construct a model intended to estimate shear wave velocity from conventional well log data, including.

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