Canterbury Tales Essay

Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is one of the most famous works not only in 19th century English literature, but also in the history of literature in general. It is the literary creation that is of great importance for the studies of literary criticism, since the author managed to create a work of art that was understandable in his time. The Canterbury Tales, one of his best-known works, was composed. The stories are written in Middle English, a dialect of the language close to modern plain English. The Canterbury Tales are known not only for their similarity to contemporary English, but also for their internal and external nature. . Earthly life functions as the supreme good of humanity. However, Chaucer pays tribute to the religious views of the Middle Ages. Although it was never completed, the Canterbury Tales are still widely regarded as one of the most in-depth descriptions of medieval life in existence. Because the characters serve as a cross-section of different classes of people, and each is told with a vivid verisimilitude that goes beyond the stereotypes that accompany them, Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales is an appropriate novel to illustrate various examples of tone. to show. , mood and irony through the many different characters, their personalities and their stories. As for literary tone, it is basically the same as the tone used in oral speaking. Chaucer balanced the serious and deadly stories,

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