The Channel Tunnel Project Construction Essay

This underground undersea railway tunnel connects England to France and crosses the narrowest, but still not so narrow, part of the English Channel. The Channel Tunnel, often called the Channel Tunnel or the Eurotunnel, is a railway tunnel that lies under the waters of the English Channel and connects the island of Great Britain to the mainland, highlights of the project. The Channel Tunnel is a kilometer-long railway tunnel connecting Folkestone, Kent, in England, with Coquelles, Pas-de-Calais, near Calais in northern France. The tunnel extends under the English Channel in the Strait of Dover. It is the only fixed connection between the island of Great Britain and the European mainland. Abstract. The Channel Tunnel project, which was supposed to connect Britain and France, was the largest privately funded transport mega-project of the century. Despite years of successful operation and growing profitability, the Channel Tunnel is often portrayed as a failure. Some authors even suggest that it should never have been built. The Channel Tunnel Project Construction Essay. Two centuries ago, a French mining engineer named Albert Mathieu was the first to propose a tunnel under the English Channel to connect Britain and France..

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