Specific Subtype of Language Disorder in Autistic Spectrum Disorder essay

We assign the diagnostic label Specific Language Impairment SLI to these children. SLI is often first picked up by parents or teachers, who then refer to speech therapists for a diagnosis. Language Deficits in Specific Language Disorders, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Polygenic Risk Autism 1Introduction. The term 'specific language disorder' SLI has been in common use for years. When the draft of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5 was released for comment, it included a proposal to include the SLI category. These authors reviewed possible links between various language disorders and autism spectrum disorders and concluded with the recommendation to “focus on those aspects of language disorders that predominate in each disorder, rather than on those relatively small areas of potential overlap” p . 944. Some studies have suggested that echolalia is more common in autism than in non-spectrum individuals: children with other language disorders but not on the autism spectrum have also occurred. 1 Introduction. Autism spectrum disorder, ASD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by clinically significant impairments in social communication and interaction domains, as well as restricted and repetitive behavior patterns and interests. DSM-V 1 In addition to the core symptoms, there is also a broad one,

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