Groundwater Use in Kathmandu Valley Biology essay

In this context, an understanding of the spatial and temporal fluctuations of groundwater levels, associated with rainfall and land use, is crucial for effective. This study evaluates the implications of rainfall and land use variations on groundwater level fluctuations in Kathmandu. Valley, Nepal. Every year, groundwater extraction in the Kathmandu Valley exceeds collection, resulting in a decline in groundwater levels. Streams are often important sources of replenishment or destination of discharges. Previous studies have shown that groundwater extraction in the Kathmandu Valley exceeds recharge, causing negative consequences such as drying up of water supplies. In recent years, the use of groundwater resources in the Kathmandu Valley has increased. many folds due to steady population growth, unplanned urbanization, rapid industrialization, and. A study was conducted to assess the quality of groundwater in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. The groundwater samples were randomly collected from: To assess the relationships between the availability, access and use of groundwater resources in terms of spatial marginality and household vulnerability, and The hydrogeochemical and stable isotopes of water δD and δ were combined to determine the deep groundwater to research. recharge processes in the geologically complex intermountain basin, Kathmandu Valley. Results of the stable isotopic composition of the deep groundwater compared to global and local meteoric water. According to 34 of the deep groundwater samples in n 41 of the Kathmandu Valley exceeded WHO guidelines for arsenic. A similar study conducted by Emerman et al. 2010 found five tube wells from Pandey et al. 2010 reported a declining groundwater level, 13-2000. 38-7 · 2008, in the Kathmandu Valley where the extraction of groundwater 21. The aquifer of the Kathmandu Valley in central Nepal has been under constant pressure since the beginning of mechanized extraction of groundwater resources in s. Many wells have been drilled into shallow and deep aquifers of the valley and numerous studies have been conducted over the past forty years to understand the aquifers. However, so far the results show that the total groundwater extraction for Kathmandu. cubic meters of MCM and decrease in groundwater surface - since the construction of wells 85. The problem of drying up of borewells and tube wells is experienced in many places in Kathmandu Valley. Overpumping of groundwater, shrinking of open space, lack of rain for months, construction of blacktops and concretization of roads and open spaces around houses are some of the reasons for the depletion of groundwater in the Valley, according to the researchers.,

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