John Proctor The Crucible Essay

The essay analyzes the character of John Proctor in Arthur Miller's play The Crucible. Proctor is depicted at the beginning as a respected figure in Salem, John Proctor is a character in The Crucible who can be described as a tragic hero. First, John Proctor's tragic flaw was his great pride, which slowly became a, Quot The Crucible, a powerful representation of the Salem witch trials that took place in the century. One of the central characters in the play is John Proctor. Arthur Miller was inspired by Greek tragedies in his plays. Like many of the storylines of ancient Greece, The Crucible charts the downfall of a tragic hero; John Proctor is the main character of Arthur Miller's drama The Crucible. The play is set in the Puritan town of Salem and aspects of this cultural background help drive Proctor's motivation. John Proctor is a changed man at the end of The Crucible, as his character evolves from a self-loathing sinner to an upstanding, moral man. At the beginning of the play, this essay attempts to explore the character of John Proctor and analyze his role in The Crucible, arguing that Proctor is the tragic hero of the play whose struggle, Share Cite. Arthur Miller describes John Proctor as a farmer in his mid-thirties, who does not participate in the town's politics and has a sharp and caustic tone towards hypocrites. Proctor does. In Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, he serves as the main character, an accused witch and a tragic hero. Proctor is a man of integrity and principles, but he also has human flaws. He struggles with guilt, pride and temptation and undergoes a transformation during the play. In this essay I analyze John Proctor's statement. The first event that brings about major changes in Proctor is Elizabeth's arrest. Knowing that Elizabeth is the innocent one, Proctor is pushed to act on his wife's behalf. He shows his change through. John Proctor is a hardworking farmer, father and middle-aged husband. He appreciates honesty. Ironically, he is hiding a dirty secret of his own. John Proctor is one of the most important characters to discover in this essay about the play “The Crucible”. Conclusion: Lessons from the hypocrisy in Salem. Hypocrisy is shown between the characters: Abigail Williams, Reverend Parris and Hale. Abigail William is a hypocrite because she does not follow the rules of the Salem Trials. Parris is a hypocrite because he is not a real minister of the city. Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work. One of the most important themes in The Crucible is reputation. In a theocratic society like Salem, where public and private morals are one and the same, reputation plays such an important role. Focused on preserving public reputation, the townsfolk of Expert Answers. Conformity and individuality are at the heart of this piece. The play appeals to anyone who has lived in a society where questioning authority and popular opinion results. Expert answers. John Proctor is generally a respected figure in Salem. He is considered a hard-working, God-fearing family man who conducts himself with honesty and integrity in business..

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