What are the factors of global warming Environmental science essay

~ This article provides an overview of the scientific background on the topic of global warming. It covers the causes of rising surface air temperatures, the influencing factors, the process of an IPCC special report on the consequences of global warming. above pre-industrial levels and associated global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the. By increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere we are increasing the planet's natural greenhouse effect and turning up the dial on global warming. Causes of global warming, explained. Human activity is the driving force behind climate change, including global temperature rise. • read. The average, What is global warming, explained. The planet is warming rapidly. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and nature is: the average temperature on Earth has risen. Fahrenheit. Celsius, where the biggest changes occurred in the century. Land areas have warmed more. Current climate change is caused by human activities. Scientists know that the warming climate is caused by human activities because: They understand how heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide work in the atmosphere. They know why those gases increase in the atmosphere. They ruled out other possible explanations. The effects of global warming can be seen and felt all over the planet. Global warming, the gradual warming of the Earth's surface, oceans and atmosphere, is caused by human activities.

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