Individual Characteristics and Computer Use Ethics Essay

Computer misuse by employees is a major concern for managers. Misuse of an organization's information assets leads to costly damage to an organization's reputation, loss of revenue and the imposition of fines. We take this opportunity to introduce and extend Thong and Yap's (1998) theoretical framework: Computer ethics is a set of moral precepts that govern computer use. The word ethics is originally derived from the Greek word ethos which describes character. Generally, ethics is explained as a set of morals that govern behavior that follows the concepts of right and wrong behavior of a group or individual. Long essay on words in english. Ethics Essay is usually given to: 9. Ethics are basic norms or ideals that regulate the actions of a person or a community. This is not a responsibility we must bear, but a wise and successful guide to existence and progress. Ethics are essential in business, but also in academia. The first regulatory document that had a significant impact on the formation of computer ethics as a separate ethical field was the Code of Fair Use of Information, introduced in the United States by the Department of Health and Human Services. The basic provisions of this code mainly concerned the storage and processing of personal leadership qualities. Explore this list of characteristics an ethical leader can develop to contribute to a successful workplace: 1. Honest. Ethical leaders are more likely to be honest in the workplace, which can gain the trust of their team. Leaders who are honest can provide open communication and reliability. The main ethical principles, namely beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice, are defined and explained. Informed consent, truth telling, and confidentiality stem from the principle of autonomy, and each is discussed. In patient care situations there are often conflicts between ethical principles. Other Internet Resources References. AI HLEG, 2019, “High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI”, European Commission, accessed: 9. Amodei, Dario and Danny Hernandez, 2018, “AI and Compute”, OpenAI Blog, 16. Aneesh , A. 2002, Technological modes of personality traits. Openness. Indicates how willing someone is to try new things. Conscientiousness. Refers to an individual's desire to be careful and diligent. Extraversion. Measures how energetic, outgoing and confident someone is. Pleasantness. Refers to how an individual interacts with others. Introduction. Ethics in Human-Computer Interaction HCI covers a wide range of topics including: human well-being, property and ownership, privacy, freedom from prejudice, universal usability, trust, autonomy, informed consent, and responsibility. Like HCI, the research and practice of biomedical informatics is seriously concerned with The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics Essay example, WHAT IS COMPUTER ETHICS, - MOOR - 1985 - Metaphilosophy - Wiley Online. According to a study, one of the employers uses social media to screen candidates during the recruitment process, and says they found content online that caused them to reject a candidate. 8. The figures outlined above raise ethical questions for employers regarding employees' rights to privacy and honesty. Whether you navigate by values, qualities, or principles, it's important to be prepared for how these might be tested in practice. As explained above, these are not..

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