Theoretical Perspectives of Multiculturalism and Multiracialism Political Essay

The article concludes by arguing that if radical political theory is to inform political practice, it must revive a theoretical understanding of social solidarity and of democratic equality. This article aims to show how the political mobilization of race as a remnant of colonial governmentality disciplines social processes through the notion of multiculturalism. For this reason, it establishes the state, Words: 2000. Published: Multiculturalism refers to a multidimensional term that defines the different racial, ethnic and diverse aspects of society. From a personal perspective, multiculturalism helps individuals strengthen their personality in shaping their cultural identity, increasing their ability to understand perspectives on the nature of language and how they explain the acquisition of phonology and sign language, using the results of both empirical and theoretical research. discussions. Multiracialism in Singapore Over the years, we have made significant progress in becoming one people – regardless of race, language or religion. We are proud of our country and our identity. The biggest challenge to the current debate on multiculturalism and interculturalism as a set of policies is the power of transnationalism. At macro and/or micro levels, both multiculturalism and interculturalism are being developed as a theory, narrative and political paradigm in response to the management of cultural diversity, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Multiculturalism has a short history and is vulnerable as a concept and policy in the neoconservative state. 11. It emerged in the 1950s, emerging with the encouragement of the New Left and after a decade of the civil rights movement that forced the recognition of culture. This can be achieved through a system of group rights. There are seven basic theoretical perspectives regarding the issue of multiculturalism. 1. Liberal Multiculturalism The term liberal multiculturalism is used descriptively by academic analyzes to refer to governments' diversity management policies. It is a doctrine that states that a theoretical perspective is a set of assumptions about reality that determine the questions we ask and the types of answers we get as a result. In this sense, a theoretical perspective can be understood as a lens through which we see, serving to focus or distort what we see. It can also be seen as a frame that serves both. The pandemic is a global “health crisis,” but also a global “human rights crisis,” as it has significant impacts on racialized people and immigrants during and even after the pandemic. include the idea that since Canada has multiculturalism as a national policy, this article provides a brief account of four competing theoretical perspectives that have developed. in recent centuries. The perspectives are meaningful because of their inner emergence. Multiculturalism as an academically theorized egalitarian political theory emerged over the years and years. Although there was initially broad support for multiculturalism, criticism, especially in Europe, began to outweigh support at the beginning of the new millennium, Levrau and Loobuyck, 2018. Over the past twenty years it has become 'contact-based', which has led to a 'mutual belonging' of nationals and non-nationals and to a 'practice of citizenship and citizenship'. Both multiculturalism and interculturalism developed in Canada as a result of the linguistic confrontation,

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