Assassination of Osama Bin Laden essay

Nine years, seven months and twenty days later, an American was the one to end Bin Laden's life. The first round. 56mm. bullet, hit bin Laden in the chest. If. m Obama meets with executives in the White House Situation Room to discuss final preparations. 3: m. approx. Two helicopters land at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, north of. In response, the US Commander in Chief, President Obama, ordered an operation aimed at killing Osama bin Laden, who was the head of a terrorist organization called Al Qaeda. The organization was responsible for the loss of thousands of lives during the attacks. 11. Operation Geronimo captured and killed Osama bin, Abstract. This chapter focuses on the BBC's coverage of the death of Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The analysis is based on two weeks of 'News at Ten' bulletins appearing in the aftermath of this event and shows how 'Al-Qaeda' is simultaneously made visible and invisible to the BBC. In addition to Osama bin Laden, three adult men were killed in the raid. We believe two were couriers and the third was bin Laden's adult son. There were several women and children in the compound. One woman was killed when she was used as a shield by a male warrior. Two other women were injured. The fact that bin Laden had been killed by US special forces was reported to President Barack Obama on Sunday with the words Geronimo EKIA - Enemy Killed In Action. But US officials have refused. Operation Geronimo was a complex and risky operation involving elite Navy SEALS and intelligence services. The goal was to capture or kill Osama bin Laden, who had been in hiding for nearly a decade. The operation was months in the planning and involved intelligence gathering, training of the SEALS, and, whatever you might think of Osama Bin Laden, a... terrorist for his alleged role in killing several thousand Westerners or as a freedom fighter against US imperialism who killed an estimated two million Afghans and Iraqis was a violation of international law. Internationally, targeted killings are banned in various ways. Legality of Operation Neptune Spear Geronimo Essay. SEAL Team Six then launched an attack on the suspected compound of Osama bin Laden, the infamous leader of the Al Qaeda terrorist group responsible for two dozen SEAL troops infiltrating a fortified facility in Abbottabad, Pakistan overnight. The plan to kill Osama Bin Laden, from the spy craft to the attack, to its bizarre political background, as told by the people in the room. Illustrations by Max-o-Matic By Garrett M. Graff. It's been four years since a group of US Navy SEALS killed Osama bin Laden in a nighttime raid on a high-walled complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The assassination was the culmination of Obama's first attempt. The CIA on Wednesday released hundreds of thousands of documents seized in a raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. They contain a handwritten diary of the fallen. There was a lot going on - chance, like the change in air temperature that contributed to the Black Hawk crash, was very kind to this venture. There were underexposed moral issues. Play. Download article. Then Al Qaeda carried out the deadliest foreign terrorist attack the United States had ever seen. For Osama bin Laden and the other men who planned the attack, however, the attack was not merely an act of terror. To them it represented,

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