Primary and Secondary Sources History Essay

~ Standard source for quantitative facts in American history. Expanded and revised with series from, including sections on population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Tables can be downloaded to Excel. A primary source is an original document that contains firsthand information about a subject or event. Primary sources exist on a spectrum and different areas of study may use different types of primary source documents. For example, the field of History may use diary entries and letters as primary source evidence, while this means that secondary sources can also be interrogated as primary sources. For example, you might be interested in: A Bible commentary written for a nonconformist Christian denomination in the century that interrogates you from modern theological perspectives. RSPS, a scholarly journal article written in th, helps introduce researchers from the humanities and social sciences to the key approaches and methodologies of working with source material. It contains hundreds of essays, videos, guides, and case studies, all developed by subject matter experts and designed to answer your questions about working with primary sources. As a rule, history essays require both primary and secondary sources. Primary resources are those created during the historical period being analyzed. Secondary sources include: When writing a research essay for school, you must support your claims with appropriate sources. But what are the pros and cons of primary versus secondary sources when writing a research essay for school. a book that analyzes Frank's diary and provides more historical context for its entries would be considered secondary. ~Typical secondary sources can be primary sources depending on the research topic. Intellectual history topics. Although scholarly journal articles are generally considered secondary sources, in this case, however, journal articles on human rights will be considered primary sources if the subject is the history of human rights. A biology textbook would be considered a secondary source in a field of biology because it describes and interprets the science but does not make an original contribution to it. On the other hand, if the topic is science education and the history of textbooks, textbooks can be used as a primary source to see how they have changed over time..

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