Ultrasound-Assisted Basic Catalyzed Sunflower Oil Biology Essay

In this study, Pelvetia Canaliculata L. macroalga, collected from the Atlantic Portuguese coast, was used as a source of bioactive compounds, mainly antioxidants, for their incorporation into sunflower oil. The results showed that the application of ultrasound reduced response time - with use. ultrasonic horn, an applied power W, methanol to molar oil. Avramovic et al. report the results of the empirical modeling of the methanolysis kinetics of ultrasound-assisted base-catalyzed sunflower oil. Vyas et al. measured the effects of molar ratio, alkali catalyst concentration and temperature on the transesterification of Jatropha oil with methanol under ultrasonic irradiation by a first. A novel heterogeneous GO SrO nanocatalyst was synthesized using ultrasonic irradiation and used to synthesize biodiesel from edible oil waste WEO. For this purpose, a stepwise esterification-transesterification reaction using ultrasound was employed. The surface characteristics of GO SrO were specified by XRD. The preparation of flavored vegetable oils using spices and herbal plants is considered an indispensable option for the application of these plants. In the present exploration, SFO samples of sunflower oil flavored by Mentha spicata L. spearmint were prepared using the maceration method MM and ultrasound. Ultrasound supported improved epoxidation of sunflower oil. • Use of indirect radiation is favorable compared to direct radiation. • Understanding the effect of different parameters to control selectivity. • Combination of ultrasonic bath and mechanical stirring is the preferred approach for large-scale operations. •

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