The French Revolution and Civil Liberties Movement History essay

French girl with Phrygian cap. This modern poster of French war bonds depicts a young French girl wearing the red Phrygian cap or 'bonnet rouge' from the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette in the early years as queen. Her extravagant tastes and Austrian origins fueled the distrust and resentment of the French people. An exploration of the basic civil liberties protected by the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights, such as freedom of speech and the right to privacy. The essay would also discuss historical court decisions and contemporary challenges to these freedoms. More free essay examples are available on PapersOwl on civil rights. The revolutionary Atlantic was a movement of public opinion, protest, and representative institutions that emerged from independence and democratic movements across the ocean. Atlantic historians point not only to the role of the French Revolution in the rise of radical politics in the United States, but also to its relationship to the United States. The French Revolution was a major upheaval of the feudal system in France. It was a crazy time to be alive and the French Revolution left many European monarchies wiping their brows. The American Revolution – an important source of inspiration for the French farmers – ended a year earlier. And, unlike their Americans, the American Revolution of 1775-1789 provided the French reformers with a working example of revolution and a successfully implemented constitution. The ideas of the French Revolution were also shaped by grievances specific to 19th century France and its society. Some of the most important ideas of the French Revolution are,

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