Visitors report getting viruses from web pages Computer science essay

This article provides a discussion of the various functions of a computer virus and the level of damage these viruses can cause to a company's computer system. It also looks at some known viruses and what damage they could cause to these organizations. This article also explores the types of computer viruses and their associated viruses. One negative effect that has haunted all computers is viruses. Viruses can be very deadly to computers and certainly bring out the worst in them. Everything the computer has to offer can be denied by just one virus. Viruses are a major concern for all computer owners. Viruses tend to confuse the computer and malicious code, or malware, can consist of a number of different types of code. The code can be active or passive, it can be downloaded to a computer or network, or it can reside there in some other way. Computer viruses, as a form of malware, are always spread by inserting themselves into a machine and then,

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