Ren Descartes and His Philosophies Philosophy Essay

For Descartes, doubt is a methodical way of seeking pure truth. He realizes that when in doubt there is only one pure truth. First he discovers the existence of his doubt. He realizes that the more he doubts, the more it really exists, and he associates doubt as the work of the thinking mind. He concluded that cogito er gu sum. The famous philosophical thesis Cogito, ergo sum, or I think, therefore I am, is perhaps one of the most enduring and influential ideas in the history of philosophy. This statement, coined by French philosopher Ren Descartes in the century, marks a pivotal moment in the development of modern philosophy and is best remembered today for his writing. I think, therefore I am: but his most important contribution to the history of ideas was his attempt to construct a philosophy sympathetic to the new sciences that emerged in the seventeenth century. He was largely a midwife,

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