Literature Review on Students' Financial Knowledge Finance Essay

1. Green Finance: A Literature Review. Mohammed Abu Khamis. Supervised by: Professor Haitham Nobanee. Abstract. One of the most popular terms in today's business climate is green finance. Goal. This article aims to study the level of financial literacy of entrepreneurs around the world and its role in the financial access and performance of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) based on a systematic review. The current study identifies the measures to improve the level of financial literacy to enhance financial skills. This study was designed using a qualitative approach through a literature review. Reviews on sustainable finance were conducted through reading and peer-reviewed journal articles. Keywords: Students, Money management behavior, Financial attitudes, Financial literacy, Financial socialization agents, Locus of Control, Sri Lanka Corresponding author: gmail. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the main methods used in the literature to measure the financial literacy of individuals. The article begins with a description of how the various items used to measure individuals' FL levels are constructed. It then focuses on how researchers select the items. This study examines the relationships between financial behavior and its determinants. Vietnamese students, namely subjective financial literacy, materialism and parenting. To do this, the Journal of Economic Literature's JEL classification system has been reconfigured to produce a relevant framework of themes for the review. The review is based on peer-reviewed articles. A relatively wide range of empirical literature documents the existence of gender differences in financial literacy across countries and along different dimensions. On average, women perform worse than men on tests of financial literacy and are less confident in their financial skills. Financial literacy is a combination of financial knowledge, attitudes towards money, financial self-efficacy and financial behaviors that support the use of financial knowledge. in daily. Literature Review Definition of Financial Literacy Finance is an important aspect inherent in people's lives. Own financial knowledge can help individuals make decisions in determining financial products that can optimize financial decisions. Knowledge of finance becomes very important for individuals not to make an introduction. The problems of scientific analysis, where the subject of study is the financial independence of students, mainly focus on two directions: the study of the academic. Abstract. Financial education is an important intervention strategy in improving consumers' financial literacy, but so can exogenous factors such as cultural differences and socio-economic factors. Climate finance is the study of local and global financing of public and private investments that aim to support climate change mitigation and adaptation. the Review of Financial Studies launched a competition among scholars to develop research proposals on this topic with the aim of publishing this special volume.

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